It was great to discover your writing this year Stephanie and I look forward to more in the new year. You sure identified two very interesting and amazing developments of the last year. I hope to learn more in the new year about Systems thinking thanks to you. Best in the New Year. In my final post of the year I am also going to ponder one of the surprising breakthroughs of AI. See you next year.

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Hi Mark, thank you! I'm looking forward to reading your post about AI, and I'd love to hear what you think of Thinking in Systems if you read it. Enjoy your holidays into the New Year!

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Well don't set the bar too high :) -- It is a little bit about AI but a lot about lighter end-of-year stuff. My attention span can betray me!

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Good piece! “It was instantly clear that this was addictive, something not-quite-fully-formed but world-changing.” That’s a great way to put it. I really worry that we’re not just dealing with the obsolescence of a lot of our human activities but the obsolescence of ourselves in some important identitarian sense. Agreed, though, that the genie is out of the bottle and we have to adapt to it - which may mean being less-proud of our intelligence (since the computers are so much ‘smarter’ than us) and finding other ways to value ourselves.

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Yours is an interesting take on what the utilization can mean to being human. Very thoughtful

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